American Idol
So, I'm sittin' here watching Idol and I've just been wondering if we've seen the Idol yet this year. Do you guys think we've seen him/her yet?
Okay, so do you guys agree with the press, are the judges being outright mean this year? I can't see where they're being any different. I know everyone's up in arms over the whole "bush baby" comment, but come on, ya had to laugh, right? I laughed, then I felt bad. For one, the guy didn't remind me of a "bush baby" (what exactly is a "bush baby"?), he reminded me of that half human/half sheep? creature on Narnia. Apparently, I'm just as bad as the judges. Seriously though, am I the only one that laughs at their ignorant arse comments?
UPDATE: HOLY HAIR!! I say that girl belonged on Broadway instead of AI. I think she could do very well on Broadway.
Well, I have a busy week this week. I've been walking still (losing weight) and tomorrow night, Koko has an appointment with the Vet (her yearly checkup). Then, Thursday, I have to go back to the eye doctor and then I get my hair cut and highlighted. And, Friday, I guess Koko and I will just walk. Then, Saturday, Koko has an appointment with the Groomer (she needs it soooo bad). That evening, if I get my Beanie back in time, I'm supposed to go out to eat and to Bingo with my friend from work (and some of her friends). Yes, I know, younger folks aren't supposed to go to Bingo, but I'm strange because I like that kind of stuff. Alright, fine, I'll admit, I've never actually been to a Bingo session, but it sounds fun to me and what can it hurt? I could win some frickin' money here people. Just think...single girl with baby dog, house and you know what that means? It means I have to take the chance to get some money any time I can. Right? Finally, I may just be free Sunday, which means I can clean and do laundry. With the breakup I have to keep myself busy or I'll overanalyze the situation and I'll drive myself crazy.
Alright, I gotta focus all of my attention on Idol and then on House (is that man sexy or is it just me - maybe it's his voice, or his arrogance, or his limp?)
Talk to ya lata!