Friday, December 01, 2006

Brain Teaser 2

Chicken or Egg?

Can you answer the ancient question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Juan Carlo is correct - but, sorry, you don't win anything.

The answer:
The egg. The riddle does not specify that the eggs in question are chicken eggs and, according to paleontologists, reptiles and dinosaurs existed long before birds and chickens. Fossilized eggs dating back to one hundred million eyars have been uncovered. Thus it can be said that eggs came before chickens.

The only question remaining is:
What came first, the dinosaurs/first reptiles or the egg?


Juan Carlo Rodriguez said...

If you really wanna get all philosphical, this is truly a never ending question. However, you can count on science to take some of the fun and mystery out of life. A few months ago, a few scientists determined that the egg had to come first, since the first chicken (or bird, for that matter) had to come from an egg laid from a semi-birdlike reptile during the age of the dinosaurs.

Satisfied? :-)

Take care! Drop by my blog, you might find something worth watching.

Barb said...

Whichever one rolled over and went to sleep first. (WinkWink)

Mike said...

lol, I say the chicken, why? Because it makes sense. Thats why lol.

Michelle said...

Juan Carlo is absolutely right, I figured some male somewhere would know the answer to that - they tend to obsess over science (okay, so the men in my life do).

The answer I have to offer is:
The egg. The riddle does not specify that the eggs in question are chicken eggs and, according to paleontologists, reptiles and dinosaurs existed long before birds and chickens. Fossilized eggs dating back to one hundred million years have been uncovered. Thus it can be said that eggs came before chickens.

So I guess my next question is...what came first, the dinosaur/first reptiles or the egg? :0)

And, why in the hell won't my blog work correctly? My little "Edit Post" pencil is missing AND I don't have the HTML & Compose tags that usually appear on the "New Post" screen!! UGH!

Mike said...

Blogger has been acting up since last night for some reason. That's all I know on that subject lol.

Barb said...

I can't post pictures!!! ARG!

Michelle said...

I hate when blogger does that! Stresses me out! :0)

Lisa said...

Hey How are you? Was wondering how you have been with this whole ice storm stuff. Gah!

Hope you are great.

dick clinch said...

Umm! Eggs.

I like them with bacon.

Save Sheila said...

Just found your blog--I was being self-centered and looking at who links to me and found your post of a few weeks ago. Cut up the credit cards. It's hard, but it works.

How do you get the music to play when you pull up your blog? I'd love to do that, but I'm not computer literate enough.

Michelle said...

Hi Sheila,

Just go to and click on audio codes. You just pick the songs you want and make a playlist. After you've gotten the playlist, the website generates the code for you. You just add the code to your blog.

Is that just the hardest thing in the world to do (cutting up the credit cards)?

Save Sheila said...

It was hard. I still have the occasional pang of regret, but not when I realize how long it will take to make it go away. I screwed up; I hope others can learn from my mistakes!