1968 - Game 1 of World Series

The last time the Detroit Tigers and the St. Louis Cardinals met in the Fall Classic was in 1968. As most of you know, I was born in 1977 and, obviously, wasn't able to see the World Series in 1968...UNTIL last night! I just happened to be checking Fox Sports Network and I heard some baseball announcing from the kitchen. I thought it sounded weird and I was curious as to what baseball game could be on since the Tigers and Cardinals were off last night. Well, I ran into the living room and I watched the first game of the 1968 World Series at Busch Memorial Stadium. Man, it was great! I watched Bob Gibson pitch
, Tim McCarver, Mike Shannon, Lou Brock, and Roger Maris at bat and I even got to see Old Blue Eyes (Frank Sinatra) at Busch Stadium telling everyone that he was rootin' for the Cardinals to win it because Bob Gibson was pitching so well.

Bob Gibson pitched a complete and shut out game striking out 17 batters and Lou Brock hit a homerun. Cardinals won the game 4-0. But, unfortunately, we all know that the Cardinals lost that World Series and the Tigers clinched it in 7 games.
I think it's absolutely fantastic that Fox Sports shows these games - it's neat to be able to see how games were played then. Naturally, the graphics and pictures weren't as great in 1968 and the color was nil - but damn, was it neat to watch.
In other news, I went shopping last night for some Cardinals gear, regular clothes (which I have started to base off of Cardinals jerseys) and shoes. I bought two Cardinals jackets, some Cardinals earrings, a couple Cardinals things for J and then I went regular clothes shopping. I ended up getting 1 red turtle neck; red, white and brown v-neck cotton knit shirts; a pair of khaki's, two pairs of jeans, a pair of jeweled brown slacks, a tan jacket and a tan tank top. Then I headed over to DSW (God, I love shopping for shoes there) and I got two pairs of brown wedges and a pair of black wedges. I still need some tennis shoes, but I figure I'll get those online.
I think that's all I have to say right now - I'm sure I'll be back sometime today to post something else - so, 'til then!
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