Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another Quick Question

I know, I'm just full of these little questions tonight, aren't I?

It's 8:30, have you told your best friend (meaning your pet) that you love them today?

I was just wondering if dogs or cats know what we're saying sometimes. I tell Beanie I love her every day - am I losing my mind? Her tail wags when I say it, so that's what makes me wonder if she understands me.

Seriously though, do you guys tell your best friends (pets) that you love them? Or, am I just that messed up? Maybe I don't wanna know the answer to that last question, so be nice.


Barb said...

I talk to my dog all the time. It's so funny. Mike is "daddy" and I'm "mom." She has very selective hearing though. She understands "go outside" and "want a goodie?" but not "come here." Hey.. same as my kids were! LOL.

My mom has never been an animal lover. But we used to have a dog that was just so sweet. One year when Mom was up here for a visit, I caught her talking to the dog saying, "I don't know why you're following me. I'm not going to talk to you."

Jen!! said...

I talk to my dog Molly daily, so I definitely have told her I love her today!

Linlee said...

Of course I talk to my dogs! In my eyes they are as close to human as one can get with 2 extra feet and a tail! I think I tell Peyton that I love him more than I do Brinnon...lol

Lisa said...

Yup. I say that to Abbey dog, the boy and the hon every night! :-) Can't sleep unless I do that, actually...