Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Want to be a Horse Hero!

I received an e-mail from the Longmeadow Rescue Ranch (where horses that are rescued through the Humane Society of Missouri go) last night asking me to be a Horse Hero to one of the many horses that were rescued from that horrific traffic accident on I-44. See my original post regarding this accident.

So, the problem is that there are 25 horses and one hinny that you can choose from. Now, I'd LOVE, absolutely LOVE, to be able to sponsor every horse and the hinny, but I'm just not that rich. I need your help in picking the horse to sponsor. Leave a comment in the comment section and let me know which horse you think I should sponsor. I'm leaning towards one of the really thin ones or one of the horses with head injuries - but help me!

See the list of horses and the hinny here! Please help!


Jen!! said...

I do remember your original post about these horses. Wow... what a great opportunity to sponser a local animal!

Oh my god. This will be so hard to choose. I got tears in my eyes reading each of their stories.

Stan is beautiful, and I can see he needs a ton of help. And I love Sue. And Frankie. And Karma. And poor Spanky, he is almost as old as me! OH, don't make me choose!!!

I guess if it were me, I would choose Stan. But gosh, I don't know for sure. I do hope they all get sponsored.

Linlee said...

Ok I not a horse person so what's a hinny? lolo Seriously.

As soon as I picked one then I would like the next one. I'm with you pick a pregant one or pick Jackpot just because of his name (we almost named Charlie that)