I Just Need A Real Job
That's all I have to say. I just NEED a real job...desperately!
The mindless, day-to-day ramblings, rants, and raves of a 30 year old, petulent girl from St. Louis, MO. A lot of talk about the St. Louis Cardinals, animals and whatever else enters her stormy mind.
Okay, I know, I never post anymore...but honestly, I don't feel like I have anything good to say. Then again, who says what I say has to be good, right?
Okay, so what's up with me lately? NOTHING! But, I am still working on my masters and that takes more time than I'd like to admit. Oh yeah, I signed up to take the LSAT - we'll see how that goes. Going to law school? It all depends on my LSAT score. Like I said, we'll see. All I do know is that I have wanted to be a lawyer for as long as I can remember, so why the heck not, right? I checked and you can work on your JD and MBA at the same time - I'm thinking I'll do that since I'm a little more than half way done with my MBA.
Oh yeah, remember how Koko used to have seizures? Well, when I took her to University of Missouri Vet School, they diagnosed her with Canine Epilepsy and put her on Potassium Bromide - and guess what!!! She hasn't had a seizure since!!! I've never been happier.
I haven't done anythign significant to the house since I got the siding in January - oh wait, I did a little landscaping makeover (okay, okay, so my parents did most of it). I'm loving the way it looks.
Ummm...honestly, I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll try to be back later.
Yes, I'm back...I know I've been gone for a long time and that everyone is wondering if I'm still alive - I am! I've just been so busy...with house stuff. For example, I've filled in the hole for the pool with 25 tons of dirt (by wheel barrow - not exactly fun), I've gotten a new furnace, I've planted plants and done some landscaping, and I've bought a patio set, and blah, blah, blah...let me get to the real reason I'm on here this morning!
LINLEE HAD HER BABY GIRL THIS MORNING!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! She was almost a Yankee Doodle Dandy!!!!
Okay, I'm not going to give you any info. on the precious baby girl since Linlee hasn't posted about her on her blog yet, and I don't want to steal their thunder!!! I'm sure Linlee will put it up on her blog as soon as she gets some rest and a few minutes...then again, now that she has a baby, maybe she won't. We'll see!
Posted by
10:19 AM
Categories: Friends and Family
How I came across this, I'll never know (it may have been during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - but I'm really not sure). But, there is a young high school student named Shauna Fleming who started a national campaign called A Million Thanks. A Million Thanks collects and distributes letters of appreciation and thanks to our current and past military service members as part of National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM). NMAM is celebrated every May and A Million Thanks hopes to collect at least a million letters each May.
Posted by
11:27 AM
Categories: Community Outreach
I asked the Dancing Star to interview me and here's how said interview went:
1. What has been the most important lesson you have learned in the past year?
As selfish as it sounds - to always look out for yourself first - look out for numero uno. I don't enjoy sounding selfish, but if I don't look out for myself, no one else will. This doesn't mean that I am 100% selfish, but I will always take care of myself first and then I will focus on others in my life. I have learned that I give too much of myself with nothing in return. That's over.
2. Where do you see yourself in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
1 year: I'll, most likely, be right where I am now. I'll be working full time at the local electric company in a clerk position, working on my house and going to graduate school.
5 years: I'll have my MBA, I'll have a management position at work, I'll be married and I'll be starting my family.
10 years: I'll be a married mother and a career gal enjoying life to the fullest.
3. What do you do as a treat to yourself when you have a bad day?
Nothing too special. I usually get some ice cream, veg out in front of the TV and then give myself a mani/pedi. That's my bad day ritual.
4. Having just gone through a breakup, what advise would you share with someone going through the same thing?
This sort of goes with my answer to number one. The best advice I can share is to worry about YOU. Take care of yourself. Go out and get your hair done. Buy new clothes, makeup or shoes or whatever makes you feel special. Make sure you are happy with yourself. Then, and only then, will you be able to move on. In the end, you're going to be broken up regardless (que sera sera - what will be will be) - why not make the best of it. If things work out and you rekindle the relationship, at least you know that you were always happy and that you can respect yourself after the stormy period.
My mother always taught me to think about how others perceive me. She always told me not to do anything that I wouldn't want my parents or grandparents to know about. So, in order to keep myself on track, I tend to believe my grandma is looking down on me (I want her to be proud of me), so I don't do anything that would make her think ill of me. That ties into the end of a relationship because people tend to do some crazy things during a breakup (I tried not to).
5. What is your most precious memory?
Now that's a tough one...I have so many. As lame as it sounds, I just miss being a kid and sitting around the TV at night with my brother and my parents. We usually made a large bowl of popcorn and watched TV together at night (during the week). I probably hated it then, but I think back and that is one thing that I miss a LOT.
Now, I know that my answers weren't written too well, but get over it! :0)
Love y'all!
So, it was another busy weekend. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I'm feeling a little worn out now.
So, Friday I came home and watered all of my plants and flowers. Then, I went to bed early because I had a throbbing headache. I woke up around 1:00 in the morning because of said headache and I sincerely considered drilling a hole in my face next to my nose to relieve all of the sinus pressure. But, I figured then I'd have to spend a little while in the ER, so I decided against it. I finally got back to sleep around 5:00 and didn't wake up again unti 11:30 (not good).
My friend, Lisa, called me around 10:00 Saturday morning to see if I wanted to go with her and her son to see Shrek the Third. Obviously, I didn't get the message until after the movie was over and I was bummed! I love her little boy - he's adorable and boy does he have a personality. Plus, I wanted to see the movie. Agh, oh well. Instead, I went outside and mowed the lawn (not so smart when your allergies and sinuses are already bothering you). But, I moved the lawn, weed whacked and cleaned off the driveway. Then, I headed to the backyard where I did pretty much the same thing. Then, I turned my sprinklers on in an effort to persuade my front lawn to turn a bright shade of green - but he's stubbornly resisting. I still see some dead tan grass. Anyway.
Then, I went inside, took a shower and did the dishes. After I cleaned a little, I gave myself a mani/pedi. Fun times!
Sunday, my momma and I went shopping (it's our Sunday ritual). I bought all kinds of goodies at Home Depot (like two hose caddies, tons of accent grasses, a hibiscus tree, a door mat, a beautiful red gerbera daisy and paint for the exterior of the house)! I took momma out to eat at Applebee's (which isn't my favorite restaurant, but it was good). When we got back to her house, she transplanted my daisy into a coco hanging pot and then Koko and I left. Sidenote: any time I go to my parents' house, I take Koko because she loves to play with my parents' dog and run around in the yard. Plus, I don't like to just leave her at home since she's home alone all day everyday during the week.
I got home around 7:00 and I put all my plants outside and I watered everything. Then, I kinda straightened things up and got things ready for work today. Finally, I made myself a snow cone (with my ice shaving machine - I LOVE THIS THING). Before I went to bed, I read a little and then finally fell asleep. And, ta da - I'm here at work! Gotta love life.
See, I've been so busy, but I can't seem to account for my time - straaaaange....
I saw this nifty little meme at Dancing Star and Not So Everyday Mom and thought it looked like fun. Especially since I turned 18 in different years than these lovely and talented ladies! Even though Lisa thought I'd be the first to post this, I have to shamefully admit, I was not. Durnit!! I feel bad now. See what happens when you neglect your blog???? Oh the humanity!
Here goes:
1. Go to www.popculturemadness.com
2. Pick the year you turned 18
3. Get yourself nostalgic over the songs of the year
4. Write something about how the song(s) affected you
5. Pass it on to 5 more friends
I graduated high school in 1995 (at the ripe old age of 17) and I turned 18 in October of 1995. So, here's what I found for 1995.
That's it...there were tons of other songs, but seeing as how I LOVE music, we'd be here all day if I was to list all of the songs and how they affected me.
So, now it's your turn. Go do this now!
I've been going crazy lately. I feel like I've been neglecting my little blog. I should be arrested for parental neglect!
But, really, I've been busy at work and at home.
Here are just a few of the things I've done at home in the last month:
But, that's not it, I've been doing other stuff too. I can't think of everything right now, but it's been so busy.
I have so much to get caught up on with blogging - I swear I'll be back.
And, Lisa (Dancing Star), I haven't forgotten about your interview questions - I'll get them to ya, I swear it!
I've been tagged by Brian at This Perfect World for the Seven Things Meme - thank you Brian!
So, here are seven things you may not know about me:
1) I don't, nor will I ever, have wisdom teeth. (yes, I stole this one from you Brian).
Luckily, when I was a teenager, my dentist told me that I don't have roots for wisdom teeth, so I'll never have them! I was more than ecstatic to hear that news seeing as how my mouth is too small for the teeth I do have not to mention that wisdom teeth cause way too many problems and require extraction n' stuff! Woo hoo!
2) I was born two weeks after my actual due date - and my mother was in labor with me for 48 hours.
Apparently, I didn't want anything to do with this wretched world. And, I must admit, my attitude hasn't changed a bit during the 29 years I've been here.
3) I am a horrible swimmer.
My dad taught me to swim at the YMCA pool by our house and he says that I couldn't keep my mouth shut long enough to actually learn to swim. He kept telling me to close my mouth or I'd drown. I just couldn't do it though, I really wanted to talk - it was far more important! I mean, I know how to swim, I'm just not very good at it.
4) I assaulted the dentist with a syringe full of Novocain.
When I was 5, I was in the dentist's chair having a cavity filled (which kinda goes hand in hand with something else you may not know about me - I have horrible teeth because I have very little enamel on them - my dad has the same problem - but don't worry, I don't have nasty teeth, I take very good care of them). Well, when the dentist came at me with the syringe full of Novocain, I flipped out and my arms started flailing around like a fish out of water. During my temper tantrum, I hit the needle and it stuck in the dentist's hand or wrist. The dentist quickly ran from the room while the nurse tried to calm me down. Afterwards, I can remember the nurse saying, "Now see what you did to Dr. Linehan?" I didn't care!
5) I don't cook because it's too messy.
I am obsessive-compulsive about my hands (I wash them about 15 times a day, maybe more). My whole day will be ruined if they get dirty and sticky. Therefore, I don't cook most things because I'm bound to get something on my hands. When I had a barbeque at my house, my mom had to form the hamburger patties because I coudln't bear to do it. I can't wear gloves either because then my hands get sweaty and that defeats the whole purpose of wearing gloves.
6) I am adamant about my daily routines/schedules.
I have a daily routine or schedule if you will and if I get thrown off by just a few minutes, I get very crabby. As long as it's something I've planned, I'm fine, but if something happens and I'm thrown off of my routine/schedule (which is planned out every morning in my head), I go apeshit!
7) I'm an only child.
While, yes, I have an older brother, I am technically an only child. My brother, Sterling, was actually born to my mother and her previous man. She met my dad when my brother was still a baby. My brother has never met his dad and he considers my dad to be his biological dad. My dad also considers him his biological son. They've always been father/son, it's never been any different. He's always been my brother, not my half brother.
I won't even get into the other half brother and half sister I have (from my dad's previous marriage). Let's just say I don't even consider them to be half siblings.
Okay, I have been good and I haven't been writing much about the Cardinals lately and that's only because we aren't doing anything this season. We pretty much collapsed after winning the World Series.
After a LOT of agony in the last couple of months, I finally heard where one of our tenured players is as fed up with our lack of performance as I am. I love this man, I wear his jersey to lots of the games and I love what he has been saying. Read this article and tell me he's not an awesome Vet to have on any team!
Let me take this opportunity to tell the Cards to start from scratch. Start over TODAY. We're in LA playing the Dodgers - let's start playing like I know we can! I know, absolutely KNOW we can do it. Just wake up, pay attention and play ball!
LET'S GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!! It's time to rally, so turn those caps and let's GIT. R. DONE!!!
Okay, so I go through little phases where I focus on a few old songs and that's all I listen to for a little while. Well, here's my "tops" list on my iPod right now (meaning the phase I'm going through right now).
Okay, before you say anything, I know these aren't ALL old songs, but these are the songs I've been listening to the most lately. Has anyone noticed the amount of songs I listen to lately that refer to cheating? Maybe now I just realize what they're about because I'm listening for it. I've never been one that's too much into lyrics, I'm more of a music girl.
I remember one of my music classes in college - the professor said that most people in the world listen to lyrics, while only a few listen to the actual music being played. I have to say - I have always listened to the music being played. That's why I like a lot of classical music - plus one of the songs on the list above doesn't have any lyrics. It was pretty neat - before she mentioned that, she played a series of songs and we had a quiz on what they were about. I honestly couldn't answer one question - I was the only one in the class. I thought I flunked big time. I felt like a complete heal - turns out, I was the only one that got an A.
Music is something I just feel.
Over at Skittles' Place, she offered to interview folks - so I opted to have her ask me a few questions.
Here are her questions with my answers:
1. Where were you born and raised? How old are you?I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I was actually born in South St. Louis City on October 30, 1977. When I was five, we moved to South St. Louis County where I lived until I was approximately 24. Then, when I was 24 my parents and I moved to West St. Louis County. Finally, in June of 2006, I bought the house in which I grew up in South St. Louis County. That’s where I am now. I’m 29; I’ll be 30 on October 30, 2007 at exactly 10:11 pm.
2. Tell about a really happy time in your life.I’d like to think that all of our family vacations were really happy times in my life. We’ve gone to Disney World (two times), Daytona, Destin, Mackinac Island, Wisconsin, Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Carmel, Canada, Boston, Washington D.C., New York, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and a few other places I can’t even remember. They were all awesome vacations and I miss those.
3. Name your favorite animal, then describe how you are similar to it.I suppose I’d have to go with either the wolf or the white tiger – both my favorite animals – both absolutely beautiful animals. I’m similar to a wolf in that I tend to travel in a pack. I don’t like to go places or do things alone, so I always have someone or a group with me – a pack so to say – as do wolves.
And, I guess I could say that I’m similar to a white tiger in that they are rare and often misunderstood as am I. Now, I know white tigers occur when inbreeding produces offspring – but no, my parents aren’t related that way – so don’t even think it! Just put that out of your mind right this second!
4. What's your favorite thing to wear if you're spending the day at home?
I tend to wear sweat pants or work-out pants and a t-shirt - seeing as how I'm usually doing something around the house if I'm spending an entire day there.
5. What accomplishment are you most proud of and why?I would have to say that I’m most proud of graduating from college and that I’m continuing my education with graduate studies. The reason I am so proud of this is because I’ve never been too fond of school. I’ve never been the studious type. As a matter of fact, I always hated school. I hated school so much that I skipped over 45 days my senior year of high school. And, I skipped so many classes my freshman year of college that I got kicked out of a very good school. To be honest, no one thought I’d ever graduate and no one ever thought I’d go to graduate school. And, I even graduated with a 3.0 (after messing up my record with tons of F's from skipping).
If you'd like me to ask you some questions, go right ahead and comment here. I'll send you some questions and you can ask answer them on your blog. You can't tag anyone, but I can certainly ask for volunteers - so that's what I'm doing! My questions will be different from the questions asked of me.
Saturday, my momma and I went to Little Miss Sassy's baby shower. I will have pictures - but I have to have them developed first. I didn't have any batteries for my digital camera (or enough memory), so I just took my 35 mm. Once I get the pictures developed, I'll post them.
The shower was very nice. Her mom held it at the Pasta House, which was absolutely awesome. The food was awesome, the cake was awesome (which her mom brought), the guests were awesome, the Pasta House staff was awesome, everything was AWESOME! I was very excited for her. She got some lovely gifts that will certainly help her when Little Miss Sassy, Jr. arrives. She even got cool St. Louis Cardinals stuff for the little one - who wouldn't love that?
Posted by
12:05 PM
Categories: Friends and Family
Sometime today I plan on writing about Josh Hancock - the St. Louis Cardinal Pitcher that passed away in a vehicle accident this weekend. However, I'm uber busy at work today and I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
Just know that I'm very depressed and sad and I'm starting to wonder why we're always playing Chicago when one of our current players passes away!!! I am beginning to hate Chicago more and more every year.
I've been tagged by the Dancing Star and I love it! I love her! I love taggage! And, I keep finding that the Dancing Star and I have SOOOO much in common, it's kinda crazy! If you read my answers and her answers, they are somewhat similar.
So, here goes:
How do you achieve balance in your life?
"Balance"? What in the world is "balance"? Okay, all joking aside; I've never been too good at "balance". Ask Linlee, I've never been good at splitting my life between friends and boyfriends, or even friends and family. I've been known to neglect friends and that is NOT something I'm proud of - I'm actually very ashamed. I wish I would have known better, but I didn't and I am really trying to be better friend to the people who have been so great to me, but I feel stupid. I don't know...I don't feel like I achieve balance in my life. I'm one of those "all or nothing" types. Fortunately, it's a lot easier to work towards balance when you get rid of a bad relationship. I'm trying...
What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?
Remembering everyone and everything including MYSELF. I think I'm very absent-minded and I tend to focus on one thing or person more than anything/anyone else at a time. Like I said, I'm an "all or nothing" type and it's hard to devote a small piece of myself to everyone and everything in my life. And, the worst part about it is that I always come last. I need to learn to do things for myself once in a while while devoting a small portion of myself to everything and everyone. Basically, my biggest challenge in balancing my life is "balance". I just don't know how to do it. Sometimes I think I need to take a Time Management course.
What are your priorities?
Family (including Koko)/Friends
My House/Finances
Have your priorities changed over time and why?
I would say, yes, they have. The reason I say, "Yes" is because as a teenager, family really didn't rank too high on my priority chain. I know that's horrible, but friends and partying were my #1 priority (and, I'm not saying that I always treated my friends the way they deserved to be treated, but they were always the most important part of my life). However, as I grew older, I realized that family is always there for you and that they love you unconditionally. I didn't see eye-to-eye with my parents as a teenager, and now I realize that they just wanted the best for me and that they weren't just being "sticks in the mud". So, as the last decade passed, my family (including cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, etc.) really moved up on the priority chain and surpassed friends slightly. But, I have certain friends who are so very important to me and they are considered family - Linlee and Bethy!
Also, I think I used to be a bit more selfish than I am these days. When I was younger, work definitely came last and "home and finances" weren't even on the radar. Community? Puhlease! I surely didn't do anything for my community.
What advice can you share to help all of us balance our lives?
Remember yourself - you count too!
Okay, I don't tag anyone because, quite honestly, I don't think anyone would answer it for me! But, if you're reading this and think that you'd like to participate, please feel free!
As per usual, I am showing my utmost support for the coolest online community around - What the BLOG!? Remember how I don't qualify for any awards? Well, I was watching this show last night and I figured I'd write about this tool anyway, so why not turn him into my Celebrity Ass Hat!?!?! Now, before you read any further, JOIN. WHAT. THE. BLOG!? IMMEDIATELY. I'm so serious when I say you're missing out on all of the fun.
I know, I know - I haven't posted in a week. Trust me, I'd love to post more often, but I just can't seem to think of anything to write about lately. I don't know what my deal is...
My Cardinals are giving me heartburn so far this season. I realize we're only 8 games in...but I'm still not real happy with the way things are turning out. We're supposed to be the frickin' Champs and we're playing like we're the Little League Champs. As of last night, we no longer have a losing record, but that doesn't make me feel any better. Now, don't get me wrong, I love those guys with every fiber of my being, but, they're seriously giving me heartburn. I still say it's because I'm not at all of the games this year. They miss me, I know it!
I've, basically, given up on American Idol. After Gina Glocksen got voted off last week, I quit caring. My two favorites are/were Gina Glocksen and Blake Lewis. If Blake gets voted off and Sanjaya stays - I'm going to lose it!
Does anyone know how to clip a prickly pear cactus? I have a cactus that I'd like to give a clipping of to my mom...but I don't want to just cut part off and let it die. Any ideas?
I'm going to be posting all about the breakup in a couple days...it will be pretty detailed so that everyone knows what's going on in my world...I'm working on it. It'll be here soon.
Okay, I was watching House last night and I immediately fell in love with the song at the very end of the show last night. Right after the show, I went and searched online for it and got it uploaded to my iPod! It's called "Are You Alright?" by Lucinda Williams. I absolutely LOVE it! I'm actually listening to it right now...
That's about all I got to say right now...
Oh, wait, I lost another 2 pounds, so that's 19 pounds total so far!! I still got tons to go though...I'll get there...
It just dawned on me that I have absolutely NO social life. I mean, my life revolves around fixing up my house (which isn't bad, I guess). I'm not into going out and clubbing or bar-hopping (I did quite enough of that when I was 21 and 22 to last me a lifetime). My point is...I don't know how I'll ever meet another guy...FRICK ON A STICK WITH A BRICK!!!
So, Sunday, quite possibly had to be one of the roughest days for me (regarding the break-up - only because of the Cards!). I know you'll get sick of hearing this, but I'm so bummed over missing the Cards games. I am an AVID Cardinals fan and I miss going to Opening Day and whatnot. I knew once baseball season started that I'd have it rough. THIS BLOWS!!!! I miss those damn season tickets!
I did have a busy weekend though...so, it's nice that I don't have to lay around and sulk. Friday night, my parents came over and we worked on the bathroom (pictured in a previous post). I suppose I finally got to bed around midnight.
Saturday morning, I woke up and got ready for Linlee to pick me up. We headed over to a chinese restaurant to meet up with some other REALLY COOL St. Louis Blogging Chicks. We had lunch and ended up staying for right around 3 hours. Good times were had by all. Again, I'd put a picture up...but I didn't bring a camera - doh! But, I'll list the beautiful and talented ladies that were there:
- Linlee @ Little Miss Sassy (Someone I've been friends with for years)
- Lisa @ Midwestern Mommy (Linlee's cousin)
- Kristie @ Slacker-Moms-R-Us
- Jaelithe @ The State of Discontent (We also got to meet her husband and ADORABLE son!
- Rebecca @ Not So Everyday Mom (Turns out she went to high school with Linlee and me)
- Raquita @ Blaque Pen/ W.O.B.L - in training (We also got to meet her PRECIOUS daughter!
We just HAVE to do that again, I had a great time. But, back to my loser life...
After lunch, Linlee dropped me off and my parents came over to finish the bathroom. They stayed from about 2:30 or 3:00 until 8:30 or so. But, the bathroom was done and a cute little cabinet I bought for my hall had been assembled! Woo hoo!!
Sunday, I went over to my parents' house around noon and we went shopping. I spent too much money AGAIN! We went to Bed Bath & Beyond and got a few things for my house. Then, we ran to Sears where I bought my new lawn mower. Is it sad that I was excited about a new lawn mower? Yeah, I'm fairly certain it is. Anyway, after Sears, we drove out to Washington, MO (my parents live in Wildwood, so it's closer than it sounds). In Washington, we went to Hillerman Nursery (have any of you St. Louisans been there? AWESOME NURSERY!!!). From Hillerman, we went to Wal-mart (I swear the devil created that place) and finally back to my parents' house. We got there around 3:30. I tanned while we were there and then my parents followed me back over to my house to help me get my lawn mower out of the car, etc. So, we ended up cleaning off my patio, hanging a cool picture I bought at BB&B for the bathroom and setting up the lawn mower. My parents left around 6:30, without kisses from Koko. Koko LOVES my parents and always showers them with affection - so it was odd that she didn't want to be held by them or kiss them. But, I didn't think anything of it until about 5 minutes later when I was inside. I was putting some bottled water in the fridge when I looked at Koko and she was trembling. I always know when she's going to have a seizure because she gives me a specific look and she starts to tremble. I was getting that look! So, I got down on the floor with her, laid her on her side and rubbed her. I just kept telling her that everything would be okay and that I was there (that's what they say to do for your dog if they're having a seizure). The entire incident lasted about 10 minutes (actual seizure part was only maybe 5 minutes and the aftershocks were about 5 minutes). Usually, after her seizure, she'll tremble a little more - which is what I call the aftershocks - and then just snap out of it altogether. Once she's up and walking normal, I know it's all over. Once the seizure portion was over and the aftershocks hit, I transferred her to the couch on a nice, plush blanket. When she jumped up and off the couch after 5 minutes, I knew it was all over. She was back to normal. My poor little babeh! She looks so helpless when she has a seizure and I know it scares her. I hate it...
Eventually, I went to bed and it was Monday before I knew it. Ugh! I worked and then went home and worked on the lawn. I mowed the lawn, swept/squirted off the driveway and porch, watered the lawn and then put down my fertilizer. All in all, it only took me 2 hours (that's not too bad if you ask me). Unfortunately, my allergies were thrown into overload and I felt horrible for the rest of the night. I went to bed around 8:30. I woke up this morning to swollen eyes, swollen hands, itchy/watery/red eyes, a stuffy nose and itchy throat. I knew that would happen, I even took Benadryl before I went to bed, but oh well. I gotta mow the lawn...I can't just shut down. So, I'm wearing my glasses and no makeup today. My poor coworkers. It's a shame really.
So, see, NO SOCIAL LIFE! Oh well, what can ya do?
I'm ready to go home, but that's not going to happen...
Alrighty then, I suppose I've rambled for too long already, so I'm off to do some work.
Surprise, Surprise...another survey from the Dancing Star!
[ ] 5'2 or under
[X] 5'3 -5'6"
[ ] 5'7" - 6'0
[ ] 6'1 and up
[ ] blonde
[ ] redhead
[X] brunette/brown
[ ] dirty blonde
[ ] dark brown
[ ] black (Black right now, turns brown if I get a lot of sunlight)
[ ] orange
[ ] kind of both blonde and red
[X] kind of both brunette and black
[ ] kind of all brownish blond with red and a little black
[ ] back with blonde highlights
[ ] white
[ ] blue-eyed
[X] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] dark eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] silver/gray- eyed
[ ] blue/green-eyed
[ ] blue/gray-eyed
[ ] green/brown-eyed
[ ] they change colors
[X] glasses
[X] contacts
[ ] short hair
[X] medium
[ ] long hair
[ ] red
[X] pink
[ ] yellow
[ ] black
[ ] green
[ ] neon green
[ ] white
[ ] turquoise
[ ] silver
[X] purple
[ ] brown
[ ] orange
[ ] grey
[ ] maroon
[ ] gold
[X] deep purple
[ ] blood red
[X] ice skating
[X] hiking
[ ] kayaking
[X] rafting
[X] water tubing
[X] camping
[X] horseback riding
[X] surfing and skim/wake boarding
[ ] snowboarding
[X] skiing
[X] skateboarding
[X] cheerleading
[ ] lacrosse
[X] street hockey
[ ] ice hockey
[X] gymnastics
[ ] martial arts
[ ] bmx
[X] baton twirling
[X] basketball
[X] football
[X] volleyball
[X] dancing
PETS (u have or have had)
[ ] cat
[X] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] bunny
[X] fish
[ ] duck
[ ] horse
[ ] bird
[ ] frog
[ ] hermit crab
[ ] prarie dog
[X] turtle
[ ] snake
[X] guinea pig
[ ] pig
[ ] cow/bull
[ ] goat
[ ] chinchilla
[ ] tarantula
[ ] geese
[ ] swan
[ ] chicken/rooster
[ ] hedgehog
[ ] mouse
[X] hamster
[ ] ground hog
[ ] gerbil
[X] big brother/sister or little
[X] Alabama
[ ] Alaska
[X] Arizona
[X] Arkansas
[X] California
[X] Colorado
[ ] Connecticut
[ ] Delaware
[X] Florida
[X] Georgia
[X] Hawaii
[ ] Idaho
[X] Illinois
[X] Indiana
[X] Iowa
[X] Kansas
[X] Kentucky
[X] Louisiana
[ ] Maine
[X] Maryland
[X] Massachusetts
[X] Michigan
[ ] Minnesota
[X] Mississippi
[X] Missouri
[ ] Montana
[X] Nebraska
[X] Nevada
[ ] New Hampshire
[X] New Jersey
[X] New Mexico
[X] New York
[ ] North Carolina
[ ] North Dakota
[X] Ohio
[X] Oklahoma
[ ] Oregon
[X] Pennsylvania
[ ] Rhode Island
[ ] South Carolina
[ ] South Dakota
[X] Tennessee
[X] Texas
[X] Utah
[ ] Vermont
[X] Virginia
[ ] Washington
[X] West Virginia
[X] Wisconsin
[ ] Wyoming
[ ] im afraid of quietness
[X] in certain places I am really ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[ ] I've collected comic books
[X] I shut others out when I'm really sad
[X] I open up to others easily
[X] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x's" in my screen name
[ ] I bake well
[X] I have worn pajamas to class
[ ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[X] I love to laugh.
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[X] I bite/pick at my nails
[X] I play computer games
[ ] Gotten lost in the city
[X] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[ ] Been skydiving
[ ] Been bungee jumping
[X] Bitten someone
[X] egged a house/car
[X] Crashed into a car
[X] Been firedHAVE YOU EVER
[X] stolen a sign/traffic barrel
[X] danced in the rain
[X] seen a shooting star
[ ] went skinny dipping
[X] Gotten Stitches
[ ] Eaten Sushi
[X] Gotten the chicken pox
[X] Ridden in a taxi
[X] Been on a boat
[X] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ] been on a plane by yourself
[X] had surgery
[ ] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[X] been on stage
[X] gotten a black eye
[X] given someone a black eye
[X] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[X] watched an entire baseball game on tv
[ ] old movies
[ ] musicals
[X] music
[ ] foreign foods
[X] christmas time
[X] donuts
[X] animals
[ ] coffee
Now, just guess where I got this survey...yep, you guessed it - I got it from the Dancing Star!
1-What's worse - Physical or Mental cheating?
2- Is it easier to forgive or forget?
3- Can men and women be "Just Friends"?
I really don’t think so…
4- Dating co-workers...
Nah, they're all too old and/or married...
5- All expenses paid vacation to anywhere?
Ireland or Fiji...
6- On the way to the electric chair - What's your last meal?
Man…that’s a rough one…I really need a while to think on that one...
7- At the water park...
I wouldn’t want to traumatize anyone…so I’d be wearing shorts and a t-shirt
8- When you are "in love" do you notice other people?
9- Is flirting cheating?
10- Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?
1 great friend
11- If someone called you a bitch, would you be offended?
Ummm…depends on who calls me it...
12- Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex?
13- Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yep, already did…
14- Favorite sport?
15- Is toilet paper hung over or under?
At my house, it’s over…
16 - Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube?
Sometimes from the middle – but I put one of those slidy things on it…
17- How do you feel about tanning booths?
LOL I own one!
18- Friends with benefits?
I don't like it...
19- Do you believe in angels?
20- Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
Take – I can’t stand the way I look in pictures, I’m not photogenic AT ALL.
21- Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in?
22- Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?
23- Would you buy bootleg merchandise?
Ummm…I don’t like to…
24- What color looks best on you?
25- If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?
26- Ever break up with someone and regret it?
27- Are you a jealous person?
Oh man, too jealous.
28- Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Probably not…my facial features aren’t all that bad, but my weight is and I can lose that without surgery…so no…
29- Who has the sexiest accents?
Irish or British…
30- Which do you prefer in a companion - Blue collar or white collar?
I prefer white collar (only because the hours are closer to mine), but it really doesn’t matter.
31- What's your occupation?
Sr. Clerk Steno…
32- What is your astrological sign?
33- Are you a beach, country or city person?
To live - City
To vacation - Beach
34- Have you ever seen or called anyone you met on MySpace?
Nope…never been on MySpace…
35- Have you ever had a "secret affair"?
36- If you could own a non-traditional pet, which would it be?
Snow Tiger
37- Favorite show as a child?
You seriously want me to list them? That’s not gonna happen, sorry. But, I’ll go with a few of my favorites…Punky Brewster, Growing Pains and Jem…
38- Where do you spend most of your money?
Everywhere, but right now mostly on the house…
39- Are you currently working at a job that you hate?
Ummm…I plead the fifth…I’m not into the whole self incrimination thing…
40- Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work?
Yes sirree…
41- Favorite summer drink?
42- Can you change a car tire?
43 - Favorite cologne/perfume?
Right now, I’m diggin’ Juicy Couture…or that's what I've been wearing lately.
44- Favorite candle scent?
45- Would you consider yourself adventurous?
Yes, and unfortunately, it gets me into trouble…
46- What is your MySpace profile song?
Again, I’ve never been on MySpace…
47- Favorite concert attended?
I would have to say the Nine Inch Nails concert I went to in high school…but my other favorites include Lenny Kravitz/Pink, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynrd, The Eagles and The Black Eyed Peas
48- Would you date an already attached man/woman?
No – I’m all about the monogamy…for everyone!
49- Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers?
Sure, why not?
50- Can you shoot pool?
Of course, I have a pool table in my basement (grew up with it there).
51- Do you like your siblings' significant others?
Ummm...no…not even a little bit…
52- Can you drive a stick?
For the most part, yes, I taught myself when I stole my brother’s car…
53- When you marry will you wear white?
Yes – but the question is…will I get married? Ugh!
54- Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call?
55- Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach?
Ummm…seeing as how I live in St. Louis, skipping school and going to the beach isn’t quite possible, but I did skip school a lot. I found out after I graduated from high school that I skipped 46 days my senior year. And, did I mention that I skipped so many classes in college that I got kicked out of one of the best universities in St. Louis? Yeah, I wasn’t very smart.
56- Favorite TV show?
LOL There’s no way I could list just one…but, here I’ll list my weekly TV Schedule for you (it’s changed a tad since the break up).
Monday night - Cops, How I Met Your Mother, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Two and a Half Men, and The Black Donnellys
Tuesday night - Cops, American Idol, House, The Unit (TiVo), and Law & Order: SVU
Wednesday night - Cops, America's Next Top Model, American Idol (TiVo), Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll, and The Hills
Thursday night - Cops, Ugly Betty, Scrubs and Andy Barker P.I.
Friday night - Cops and The Wedding Bells
Saturday night - Cops (if I'm home, I won't TiVo it or anything)
Sunday night - Extreme Makover: Home Edition and Cold Case
I'm thinking I'll check out Sons of Hollywood too.
So, there ya go...my TV schedule...sad huh?
57- Are you single or taken?
Single and hating it…
Yet again, I flat out copied this from Lisa at “Life is a Dance You Learn as You Go”. I won't lie to you all, I just don't have much to write about. I mean, I could tell you all how I bought a new lawn mower yesterday, but I'm fairly certain that won't entertain anyone.
1. Where is your cell phone? On my desk...
2. Your Vehicle? A dirty 2003 GMC Envoy...
3. Your hair? Dark brown with blond highlights...
4. Your father? Set up my new lawn mower last night... :O)
5. Your favorite thing? Animals...
6. Your dream last night? Don’t recall having one, so I suppose I don’t remember it...
7. Your favorite drink? Ice water or White Zinfandel...
8. The room you’re in? My office at work...
9. Your ex? Selfish coward...
10. You are? At work...
11. What do you want to be in 10 years? Married with children, oh yeah and rich!
12. Who did you hang out with today? So far, the ladies here at work, it's only 9:00 am...
13. What you’re not? Thin...
14. Muffin? I'll take a blueberry muffin please...thank you.
15. One of your wish list items? Patio furniture...
16. Where is the ______ ? Love...
17. The last thing you did? Looked out the window at people coming into the building...
18. What are you wearing? Gray slacks, black wedge heals and a black, ribbed shirt...
19. Your favorite TV show? Sorry, that'd be a whole Meme all by itself...too many to list...
20. Your pet(s)? Koko, my Shih Tzu/Terrier mix doggeh!
21. Your computer? In front of me...
22. Your life? Boring and meaningless...
23. Your mood? Lonely and tired...
24. Missing? Lots of people and pets...
25. What are you thinking about right now? How my throat itches...
26. Your Shoes? I already told you, black wedge heals...
27. Your work? Overwhelming today...
28. Your summer? Busy with yard work...
29. Your favorite color? Purple...
So feel free to answer this yourself...
So, I was reading Lisa's blog over at "Life's a Dance You Learn as You Go". She had this nifty little survey up there and since I'm at a loss for words, I figured I'd give you all a little insight into the inner workings of my warped mind. So, here it is:
So, a few of us St. Louis Bloggers went to lunch today and I had a REALLY nice time (I'd put up a picture, but I'm fairly certain I'm the only one that didn't bring a camera).
But, good ole Reba (at Not So Everyday Mom) mentioned that she has tickets to the opening day game for the Cardinals tomorrow and well, now I've decided to be bitter towards Jason! (at no fault of Reba's - seriously). I love the Cardinals so frickin' much that it's not fair that I got jipped out of season tickets because HE cheated on ME! So, yes, you're reading this correctly - I wasn't so bitter about him cheating on me, but I'm severely bitter over missing all of the Cardinals games! Bastard!
Reba, you're so frickin' lucky - but, I hereby announce that I don't want to hear about your day at the game tomorrow! :0) I really hope you have a good time - and I REALLY hope we whoop the Mets yet again (but we didn't do too well against them in Spring Training). But, seriously, don't tell me about it. :O) JK I'm just flat out jealous - I won't lie.
Okay...that's it, that's all I wanted to say. I'm now bitter about the breakup (2 months later).
Posted by
8:32 PM
Categories: Relationships, The Cards
Okay, so I have a couple more things to do to the bathroom (like touch up paint and painting the moulding outside the bathroom door) - but here are the pictures as previously promised. Remember - my house is VERY tiny, so when you see my bathroom, try not to be thrown into a claustrophobic tailspin.
Ta Da!!!
I would like to get a picture or a collage of stuff for above the toilet - I'm doing that tomorrow. See the blue painter's tape around the moulding outside the door! I painted the moulding once, but I need to do another coat of KILZ and then the regular white paint.
Oh, and that vanity was too tall - the faucet ended up interfering with the medicine cabinet - so we cut the legs off and used TRAILER HITCHES as legs. My mom and I went to Home Depot looking for little round, silver legs for a table. They didn't have ANYFRICKINTHING. So, we walked by trailer hitches and I looked at my mom and said, "These will work". She immediately said, "No, that'll never work". But, I persisted and we came home, cut the legs off of the vanity and screwed the trailer hitches into the bottom. My dad even ended up liking the outcome. My parents thought I was nuts, but it turned out REALLY cute.
I painted the picture above to match my bathroom...
First and foremost, get over to what the blog!? and join the coolest community online! Then, once you join, you will be able to participate in the coolest community activity online - Ass Hat Awards!
As usual, I'm not eligible to win any nifty awards, but I'm certainly eligible to write about Ass Hats and that's what I'm doing!
This week's theme is Ass Hats at Work. I have so many stories to tell, but since I can't really think of any of them right now, I'll write about the one thing that has bothered me the most in the 6 years I've worked here.
One rainy morning I was walking from the parking lot to the main entrance of our complex of buildings- this is about half a mile (no kidding). Well, it's not unusual for the men that work here to run full force towards the doors so that they can avoid holding it for any women. I'm so not lying...they truly do this. And, they don't just do it to ugly girls, they do it to ALL women. Now, I'll be honest and admit that there are a FEW men that will hold the door for women - and when I say, "FEW", I really mean about 3 or so. That's 3 men out of a company with 7000 employees! Anyway...on this particularly rainy morning, I'm walking in with umbrella in tow. As I'm walking, I see this guy look at me, looks at another girl and almost runs full speed to the doors.
As I look over at the other girl, I quickly notice that she has her hands and arms full. She was carrying a crock pot in her left arm, a box and umbrella in her right arm and she had a tote bag and purse hanging off of her left shoulder. This poor girl was struggling. He finally passes her up and opens the door for himself. This girl starts to try to speed up so that she won't have to open the door and she can just get in right after this guy. Well, he noticed her and he went through the door and didn't hold it for her. And, naturally it closed right in front of her - she was within 2 feet of the door when it closed. She had been defeated. But, it wasn't over.
I thought, "fine, maybe he was in a hurry". But, once he gets in the front door, he stops at the guard's desk and starts talking to the guards! This guy ran to chit chat - actually, he ran so he wouldn't have to open or hold the door for this girl! So, since I was headed toward another door at about the same time this girl was, I yelled over to her to hang on and I'll get the door for her. So, I ran over and opened the door for her. She was so grateful and I felt so bad for her. So, I offered to shake her umbrella out and close it. She was so sweet and really appreciated the help. So, we pass the guard's desk, show our badges in which she had to pull out of a pocket and I hear something small hit the ground. I look over at her and you can just see the flustered look on her face. She had lost a button! So, I quickly find the button and pick it up. She didn't have any open hands, so she asked me to shove it in her purse - I quickly obliged. Finally, I was on my way to my office as was she. The Ass Hat of a man was where, you ask? He was still at the guard's desk chit chatting!
So, I hereby nominate JERKHOLE as the biggest Ass Hat at Work ever!
If you aren't a member of what the blog!? yet, you really need to hop on over there and register. Because when you register, you get to participate in really cool contests like the Ass Hat Awards! And the kicker? If you win, you get cool little awards and buttons and what not.
what the blog!? and Ass Hat Awards are run by Jen, Tiffany and myself. So, I think both blogs are pretty damn cool if I say so myself! Now that you know the dealy oh - GET. OVER. TO. WTB!?. AND. REGISTER! Or, if I haven't been able to persuade you into joining, go to the Ass Hats Awards blog and check out the previous winners. I guarantee that you'll join what the blog!? and participate in the Ass Hats Awards after you read a little about it.
Now, to show my undeniable support of what the blog!? and the Ass Hat Awards, I am posting my Ass Hat In The News story. But, before you freak out - I am not eligible to win any cool awards or buttons. So calm yo-self! It's too fun to pass up, so I'm participating! So, here it goes. I copied and pasted the article below or you could just follow this link.
P&G not in league with the Devil: court
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Procter and Gamble Co. does not worship Satan, according to a US court ruling that revolves around a decades-old urban myth targeting the world's biggest consumer goods company.
P&G said late Monday it had won 19.25 million dollars in a civil suit brought against four former distributors of direct-selling company Amway who were accused of spreading false rumors.
Last Friday's jury award in Salt Lake City represents the latest in a long line of court battles between P&G and Amway over the devil-worshipping claim, which has taken on new currency in the Internet era.
"This is about protecting our reputation," Jim Johnson, P&G's chief legal officer, said in a statement.
"We will take appropriate legal measures when competitors unfairly undermine the reputation of our brands or our company," he said.
The former distributors were accused of rehashing a rumor that dates from at least 1981, to the effect that P&G is in league with the Devil.
According to the false urban legend, the global company's logo contains a "666" symbol, its bosses have appeared on television talk shows to declare their love of Beelzebub, and part of its profits go to the Church of Satan.
Amway, part of the Alticor Inc. group of companies, direct retails products like consumer goods through independent sellers in more than 80 countries.
Amway has itself been forced to debunk accusations that its business model amounts to little more than a "get rich quick" pyramid-selling scheme.
Okay...are these people serious? I mean, have you guys ever heard this urban legend? And - P&G gets $19.25 million over a "rumor"!?!?!?! Y'all need to start spreading rumors that I worship satan. I prefer a billion dollar company start spreading the rumor about me so that I can bank a cool $19.25 million! I'm just amazed that the rumor actually spread...I mean, come on! What would make someone believe that Procter & Gamble truly worshipped satan?
I wanna see the "666" in the logo - anyone have a picture of it?
I'm not too sure who the real Ass Hat In The News is with this story. I mean, ya got Amway for spreading a retarded rumor, then you have the courts for awarding $19.25 million to P&G, and finally you got P&G whining because people actually spread a "RUMOR" about them. I say they all are pretty Ass Hatted, but y'all can decide for yourself.
Now - go to what the blog!? and join so you can participate in this really cool contest!
So, early this morning, good ole Tony LaRussa was arrested on Drunk Driving charges. Go ahead and read this short, short article. The moron fell asleep at the stop light - that's not good. Doesn't the man have a limo that can take him out if he plans on drinking that much? I guess it's a good thing the man's a lawyer, he's gonna need the expertise. Once again, the Cardinals will get a bad rap for this...
I also have some memes and surveys to answer, but I haven't had time (I don't want to do them at work). So, I'm gonna try to get that taken care of some night this week. That might actually interest a few of you.
So my dad, mom, nephew and I all worked all weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and we're almost done with the bathroom. I don't have any pictures yet, but I promise I'll have some by this weekend (when we plan on finishing the bathroom altogether). It's going to be sooo nice when it's done. I can't frickin' wait.
On Sunday, I got my hair cut and highlighted too - yes, it was a busy weekend. It looks cute, but I've been so tired that I haven't gotten up early to fix it for the last two days, so I'm bummin'.
My poor little puppeh has been sick. For the last two nights, I've been awaken by her gagging and throwing up - at about 2:30 in the morning! So, I stay up for a while and rub her belly and make sure she feels better before I go back to sleep. Finally, this morning she threw up some huge chunk-a-crap! I didn't know what it was; all I know is that I cleaned it up with one of my old St. Louis Cardinals towels and threw the towel away! I didn't even want to bother washing it. :0) I will just guess that it's either something she grabbed from out in the yard or part of a Dingo.
Oh yeah, she eats those little bones (called Dingos) and I've discovered that she does what I call the "Dingo Dance" every time she gets a new one. She hops around it in circles while it's laying on the floor, she lunges at it and she barks and growls at it. It's too frickin' cute. I wish I could get it on video and put it up here for you guys to see. Maybe I'll try that some day.
Ummm...I suppose that's all I got for now...
It's really depressing that I have absolutely nothing to talk about - I gotta start coming up with something interesting or you guys will leave me!
I haven't posted because I've been so very busy...yeah right!
Let's see, I've lost another 6 pounds, so I'm going on 16 pounds so far. But, for some odd reason I feel like a beached whale today! I don't feel like you can tell I lost 16 pounds. Then again, I guess that's because I have about 100 to lose and 16 isn't even a dent! Ugh! Weight blows!
I took off work Friday because my mom and dad are coming over this weekend to redo my bathroom. I'm thinking I might actually have some photos for you guys soon. Oh happy days, right? :0) I know.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm sincerely bored with American Idol this season. I don't know if it's the contestants or if it's because it's the 6th frickin' season. I'm just bored with it. But, I will tell you this - I love Blake Lewis! I want him to win - although, I'm sure he won't. I'm guessing LaKisha and Melinda have that all sewn up already. But, still, I think he's awesome!!!
Ummm...I get my hair highlighted and cut again on Sunday! I can't wait because it's getting too long. I mean, my hair has grown about 1/2 an inch since I got it cut last time (trust me, the black roots tell me so)! It's starting to look awfully dark again. Ugh!
So, last week I went shopping with my momma and we went to Sephora (yes, for makeup). Can you guys believe I spent $500 on makeup and brushes, etc.?????? Yeah, you read that correctly - $500! Now I know that Sephora is expensive anydamnway, but when she read the total to me (no, I do NOT keep a running total of crap I throw in my basket) I about gagged. Oh well, I needed to spend some money on ME! And, oh do I love that frickin' store! AWESOME. I'm like a kid in a candy store there. Oh, just thinking about it makes me want to go back for the things I saw and figured I'd wait to get. And, I know I'll sound like some prejudiced hillbilly here...but why is it odd to me that men work at Sephora? I just can't help myself from staring at them trying to figure out what kind of makeup they could be using. I realize they could use the hair products, lotions and tanning stuff, but it still baffles me.
Okay, let's see, what else is running through my trivial little mind today...
To tell you the truth, not much.
Work has been crazy lately, very crazy. I don't want to get into why here...but let's just say that Deregulation isn't working out quite like Congress planned. :0) Duh!
So, my gurl, Tiffany, tagged me and is MAKING me list my top 10 (well, I'll just do the top 25 most played) songs in my iTunes library. Oh, we all know how much I love music...but I think my top 25 are pretty generic and no one will think they are all that odd. But, here it goes...in "song - artist - album" order.
So, see, Tiffany, if it makes you feel any better a lot of my songs are pretty old too. But, I do keep up on the new songs - I am a music whore though! I'm not going to tag anyone...because I only have like 10 people that read my blog and one of those people tagged me!
Now...the 10 of you that do read my blog...get your booties over to WtB! and see what's going on!! You'll be so excited to see what kind of craziness Jen, Tiffany and I have come up with (okay, fine, Jen and Tiffany did all the work, but I like to claim other peoples' glory).
Posted by
8:26 AM
Categories: Funny Ha Ha
Okay, so you guys won't care for this, but my baseball posts are going to start up soon. The Cardinals are down in Jupiter, FL. for Spring Training and they're in Exhibition Play now. Now, I'm not normally too big on Spring Training because the guys really don't give it their all in Spring Training...so the REAL baseball posts might not start to heat up until April 1 - when we open our season with the frickin' Mets!
So, I really didn't do much this weekend - I didn't do anything that I had planned on doing. For one, I didn't really clean as much as I wanted to. Then, mom and I didn't go to the movies today - I was tired.
We did clear out the storage side of my basement (the whole driveway is full of stuff that I'm giving to a charity). The American Kidney Foundation is supposed to come tomorrow and pick everything up. That'll be nice - then I can start to clean up my basement so that I can get new carpet (or whatever kind of flooring I want down there) soon. I have so much to do around this house, yet I haven't felt like doing anything. I have a 3-day weekend next weekend and I sincerely plan to get off my ass and get some stuff around the house done...
Alright, well, I gotta go let Koko in and watch some of the Grammy's - I'll be around tomorrow because my boss in on vacation all week this coming week. So...
Til tomorrow!
What kind of muscle car are you? | |
![]() ![]() 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 You are a 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454. You car has a huge ass engine....and thats all you care about! You know you can whoop on anyone at the dragstrip...and you love it! You really don't care about gas mileage...but you sure do go to the gas station alot! | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
Not too much going on guys...I sent J a certified letter today telling him that he has until February 22 to contact me regarding his car and his belongings or I'm donating it all.
I went out to eat with Linlee last night - we had a nice time.
Ummm....I guess that's all I have to say as of now...boring huh?
Posted by
1:40 AM
Categories: Thursday Thirteen
My blog is worth $178,959.18.
How much is your blog worth?