I realize I was a little too amped to write anything intelligent last night, and as promised, here is the more coherent post regarding Game 7 and the Fall Classic.
In case you haven't heard (which, come on, you had to have heard), the St. Louis Cardinals are headed to Detroit for Game 1 of the World Series! That's right, the Cardinals beat the Great Mets despite the most underwhelming media support I've ever seen.
It was 1-0 Mets in the 2nd, then top of the 2nd, Ronnie Belliard laid down a safety squeeze to run Edmonds in - now it's tied 1-1. It would stay tied 1-1 well into the 9th inning. What a nail biting game.
What's up with them not pitching to Pujols? They were so confident that our team merely rides on Pujols' shoulders - this goes to prove our team has gelled and is great as a whole. I love seeing that. I love knowing that our team is a team and the team is not based on one or two super stars.
Let me just say that it doesn't get any more intense than having Carlos "On The BelTRAIN" Beltran, the Mets power hitter, at bat with bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth. Wainwright's strikeout of Beltran was baseball at its best. I told you I love that little guy - Wainwright is a God in my book (well, actually, I'm thinking our whole bullpen is perfect at this point - granted, Reyes was a little too nervous, but it happens in your first postseason game).

Wainwright & Molina celebrate after striking out Carlos Beltran
Count 'em, two, two times we showed Carlos Beltran what our team is capable of doing in a Game 7 of the NLCS. Once in 2004 against the Astros (who had Beltran at that time) and once again last night. I love it, I love that he stood with his arms crossed last Saturday like he was a little menstrual bitch! Go home and keep your arms crossed until April, you baby.
I will, however, give my hats off to the Mets for a powerful fight. They were ready to win and they wanted it pretty badly. And, did you see that catch of Rolen's definite homerun by Endy Chavez? That was crazy. I could almost hear Rolen say, "I was robbed"!
It's just too bad they didn't have a MVP like Jeff Suppan. We had the Jeffs (Weaver & Suppan), they had the Carloses (Beltran and Delgado) and the Jeffs prevailed! It, finally, makes me believe baseball is a game best laid upon the pitching staff.
I have an overwhelming feeling that we just might win it all. Larussa and Leyland are good buddies and this should be a fantastic World Series.

Suppan getting doused with beer after becoming the NLCS MVP!
P.S. Man, I LOVE seeing Fernando Vina as a Cardinals Analyst. He was my favorite Cardinal during his time here in St. Louis and we got him as an Analyst (hot off his disabled list career with who? The Detroit Tigers). I love that man and I love him even more when he was asked who he would cheer for in the World Series and he said, "[he's] cheering for the St. louis Cardinals" because of how much he loved the fans in St. Louis and the ball club as a whole. He said his St. Louis Cardinals team and management always stuck by him. Love ya Vina! I still wear your jersey from time to time.